Want to be environmentally friendly?
Don’t wear fur, because did you know it takes 14 trees just
for the protest signs alone? Well, that’s according to Emo
Phillips anyway. That crazy guy.
An even better way to
save trees is to stop picking up those free copies of the
Toronto Star and get yourself an environmentally friendly
e-book reader. Aside from saving the planet, you’ll find that
your fingers will not turn black and need washing just to find
out what movies are playing tonight.
You’ll notice
that your IQ will increase by having free access to the world
class journalism of the Guardian and the New York Times.
You’ll be able to turn pages on the Downsview 196 without
bonking someone on the head; you won’t need to be skilled in
the art of origami to fold the pages; and you’ll be able to
carry the newspaper in your pocket.
While waiting in
line at Tim Horton’s, would you rather stare blankly at the
floor while enjoying the fascinating conversation ahead of you
about how unfair that psych TA is, and don't you think I should
get auburn highlights. Or would you rather check
the weather forecast and find out what country George is
invading today - the choice is yours.
“Ok,” I hear you
say. “That’s all good – and I like having rainforests and
stuff – but I’ll go blind reading that itty-bitty screen, and
doesn’t all this gadgetry cost a bundle?”
Well, let me
start by revealing that along with the newspapers, I’ve read
all five Harry Potters on my Palm Vx without any change in
my glasses prescription.
Alright, I’ll wait until
you’re done laughing. Yes, yes, go on and tell the person
beside you what a mega geek this Excalibur guy is.
back? Ok, there’s more – I wrote this article on my palmtop
too. Go on, finish telling your new buddy about this dork
you’re reading about, I’ll wait. Ah yes, we all enjoy a good
laugh, don’t we.
But let me tell you this: I never
have to look for an electrical outlet when typing papers or
articles because my palmtop’s battery life is measured in
MONTHS, not hours. Which brings me to my next point. An e-book
reader doesn’t cost a lot of money because you should
only buy a cheap used one. It turns out that all the current
models cause major eyestrain and suck power like a Vanier
frosh drinking beer at the Open End. Not a pretty sight for
sore eyes, to mix a metaphor.
You see, it’s like this. You
need to buy a book reader that has a black and white screen.
Why? Because it’s like a calculator or digital watch. You can
read it in the bright sunlight and you don’t have to have a
constant backlight that uses up the vast majority of your
battery life. And if it’s dark? Well, didn’t your mother tell
you that you shouldn’t read in the dark? But if you must, you
can, since most of these devices have a backlight option when
you need it.
So what should you look for on ebay or
the used computer store? You need a Palm Vx, Palm IIIx, Palm
500, HP200LX or any RCA e-book reader.
Anything else
either has poor battery life (e.g. anything with the word
“Windows” in it) or is too small/dim a screen (older
PalmPilots). You can generally find them for less than $100.
There is hope for new devices on the horizon though. Check out
the photo of the new electronic paper!
Excalibur Naked Tech