"I think it was an awesome piece of work."
Josh Henry, USA
"...it's a lot of fun!"
Daniel Britt, USA
"...just downloaded your ingenious joesim program. I like it."
Markus Fix, Germany
"I recently got joesim for my computer because a friend of mine said it was cool."
Kyle Harlow, USA
"Hi, I had just downloaded my talking Joe. I loved it..."
Roger Chair, USA
"Thanks again for JoeSim, I'm enjoying the heck out of 'messing' with it!
I got a real kick out of it."
Joe Mirando, USA
"I liked it very much...your program seems very cool."
Sanchez Moguel Andres Eduardo, Mexico
"Hello I downloaded Joe Sim 99 and I wondered who the heck made this? (o: In a good way :o)"
Mike, USA
"May I say how awesome
your game is, sometimes I can be glued to it for hours and all my
friends love it too. Thanks for an excellent game."
Dominic Finn, USA
"Who cares!"
Joe Guerra, Canada
JoeSim is your virtual friend. You type something in to Joe, and he will respond with his own particular brand of wit. Joe can hold a conversation better than some of my programming buddies. Joe can be used as a decision maker ("Joe, should I quit my new job?") Joe can pick your lottery numbers. Joe can look up phone numbers. Joe can play mind games. Secretly record what is being typed to Joe by your friends for a real eye-opener. Sometimes you may learn too much! What do you do when your friend's girlfrind types "Should I break up with Tim? Should I tell Tim about what happened last night with Matt?" This actually happened! JoeSim can be dangerous, but hey, sometimes you just have to live a little ;)
![]() Joe - your cyber pal for the PC. (97K zipped file) |
![]() Coming Soon
This time I am actually going to ... review... a typical CD-ROM full of shareware from the
Public (software) Library. Every month I receive one of these disks in the mail, with about 1,000
programs and files on it. Many of the programs simply are not of any interest to me... Of all these
programs, just over two dozen made it to my hard disk. Here's how they fared: ...
JoeSim: The price for this appear[s] unbeatable (apparently it is free); it is an Eliza-style simulation of
a program which talks to you, although Joe is a bit more taciturn [than] Eliza... -- quite creepy how you get the sense
that there is someone "really" interacting with you...
Crude? CRUDE?! Well, you know, garbage in, garbage out ;)
I have no idea what this means, but this is how they describe it:
Joe Simulator
E' un simpaticissimo programma che ci consente di dialogare
con un immaginario Joe Guerra simulato sul nostro computer.
Possiamo proporgli alcune domande e lui rispondera`. Sembrera`
in pratica di essere in contatto con qualcuno che abbia una sua personal
a` ben definita.
AUTORE: Aleks Oniszczak
file d'origine: JOESIM.ZIP (50 Kb)
Translation: It is one of the most attractive programs which permits you to engage in a dialogue with an imaginary Joe Guerra simulated on our computer. We were able to propose certain questions and he responds. Seeming in practice to be in contact with someone with a well defined personality.
Does this mean there will be an Italian JoeSim? Keep watching this spot!
Sharewaretips: Joesim 99
JoeSim 99 är din virtuella kompis på datorn. Om du vill prata lite med någon ställer garanterat Joe upp. Han klarar av en del enkla samtal och föra vissa diskussioner, men framförallt är han expert på att komma ihåg telefonnummer och annat som man lätt glömmer bort. Ett kul litet program som man lätt kan roa sig med ett tag. Problemet är bara att han blir allt för lik dig efter ett tag.